Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My fun days

Saturday I had to get up at 04:20 to be at the airport at 06:00.

Around 6:25 we went to the check-in.

Then we went and Ana Marta was going to eat pancakes for MACDONLADS!

At 08:00 we left for France, on the plane we take photographs to us and the snow.

Breakfast was great was chicken and chips
The rest of Saturday I stayed home and played, with my host family.

For dinner I ate taglietella with sausages.


In the morning we went to "Les Baux en Provence" was very funny we saw beautiful landscapes.

At lunch I ate pizza.
In the afternoon we were at home.

In the morning we were in a room talking with our new friends, then we went to meet the college and high school.

The lunch was very good we eat chicken and chips.

After lunch we will be jumping rope with a scarf and we put people looking at us and laugh at was embarrassing but funny too.
Then we visited the chapel of Sacre Coeur.
After we visited Aix-En-Provence is beautiful, has a lot of sources.
After 17:00 I was at home with my host "sister".


In the morning saw a few students to read poems from various countries and from Portugal they read poems by Fernando Pessoa.

Then we visit the municipal council.

We went back to school for lunch and lunch sausages with lentils.

After lunch we played volleyball with a team of school and it was fun

Then we went to Bimont, visited the Roman aqueduct and the dam Zola


  1. Very nice, Tania.
    You must tell us the rest of the week.

  2. Great days, have fun and enjoy yourself.

  3. Thank you for sharing your days with us here in Portugal, mate!
